
  • Autocad Lisp Programs Free Download
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 14. 07:43

    These are just a few of the top lisp routines you should check out in the library; HFACE.lsp -Create 3dfaces to hide entities around text, Enedit.lsp-Create a selection set quickly and easily, then take advantage of its powerful editing routines. Var.lsp -Creates a text file that records all the settings in the current drawing.

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    2. Free Lisp Downloads

    When the restore button is pressed var.lsp quickly restores those saved settings. Spurge.lsp-purge command without verifying every purge. Brktxt.lsp-Break a line of text and either add it to another line or create a new line of text with it. Gpedit.lsp-Edit a polylines globally. Asview.lsp-View a text file and print it from Autocad. Clean.lsp -Finds all null text and text containing onlyspaces in your drawing so you can easily getrid of them.

    Another grab bag of useful lisp utilities that includes Breakf.lsp -is a utility that allows the user to pick a line, polyline or an arc and break it at a specified point by only picking the location once rather than 2 times, like the Autocad version Break/F. Flayer.lsp - A utility that allows a user to Freeze, Delete, Turn off or make current the layer of a selected entity. Iang.lsp - A utility that calculates the angle between 2 intersecting lines by allowing the user to pick the lines. Lay.lsp - a utility that allows the user to save or restore a list of layers to a drawing. Mtrim.lsp - a list routine that allows the user to trim multiple entities with on pick. Stamp.lsp - A utility that places a stamp it a specified location that contains the user name, the modification date and time and the drawing name. Sum.lsp - a utility that allows the user to add a list of numeric text strings contained in a drawing and place the total at a specified location on the screen.

    Program to process of several polylines simultaneously. The user can select a group of entities, the program will filter out non-polylines.

    The user is then prompted to select one of the following properties to be manipulated; Width - change all selected plines to the specified width, Elev - change all selected plines to the specified elev, Layer - change all selected plines to the specified layer, Area - calculate the total area of the selected plines, Color - change all selected plines to the specified color (use -1 for BYLAYER), 2d - convert 3D plines to 2D plines (all 2D & 3D plines are set to 0 elev), 3d - convert 2D plines to 3D plines (existing 3D plines are unaffected),? - displays this help screen. This package was put together primarily as an aid to the sheet metal turret programmer although it has been found very useful by inspectors, quoters and designers of sheet metal parts and tooling. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with sheet metal layout theory.The forming calculations in this software are based on Lockheed formulas. Shop practice varies but these formulas are the most widely used. For those of you who use a set back (or K-factor) chart there is a routine on the main menu to adjust for this. Contains 4 lisp routines including: Box1.lsp - Pick an insertion point and then your cursor will drag from the center of the box asking for a point.

    You can enter as any points as you wish and a line will be drawn from point to point. After you have picked your last point, enter a return. If you wish, you can also insert the box and strike enter for no extension line.

    Delta1.lsp - This is the same as Box1.lsp except that it inserts a delta (triangle). Note.lsp - This is the same as Box1.lsp except that it inserts a circle.

    This file contains 2 block updating lisps; Updblkly.lsp - This routine allows the user to update the layer ofall entities within a block to a single layer (exam: layer=0)without the user having to explode the symbol. By default the color ofall entities are changed to BYLAYER. The routine changes the originaldefinition of the block within the current drawing.Updblkcl.lsp - This routine allows the user to update the color ofall entities within a block to a single color (exam: color=BYLAYER)without the user having to explode the symbol. By default the layer name ofall entities are NOT changed. The routine changes the originaldefinition of the block within the current drawing.

    Free Lisp For Autocad

    Autocad Lisp Programs Free Download

    Free Lisp Downloads

    A collection of AutoLISP routines for AutoCAD. Here we have a vast collection of AutoCAD programs going all they way back to the early days of CAD software. Some real retro classics here.

    Please enjoy these free downloads.Articles in category 'AutoCAD Programs & Lisp routines'There are 158 articles in this category. 2.3.A.B.C.C cont.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.L.M.N.N cont.P.R.S.T.U.V.W.Z.

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